Shri. J. G. College of Pharmacy mainly expects good behaviour, character and conduct from all students. We request all our students to strictly follow disciplinary rules of college.
Disciplinary Rules :
- Students are requested to maintain high degree of behaviour and discipline both inside and out side the college.
- No student shall enter the class after the entry of lecturer or leave the class without permission of the lecturer.
- Wearing of Apron during class hours is compulsory.
- In the college will build up a tradition of homely atmosphere of freedom with responsibility, a close student – teacher relation ship, treating one another with respect.
- The college properties should be handled with care and nothing shall be done to damage them. In case of damage to the building, furniture, apparatus or any other properties of the college, fine will be levied and the same will be collected from the concerned.
- Irregular attendance, indifference with regard to class work, tests and examination, discourtesy to wards staff or in subordination, obscene words and act are liable for disciplinary action which includes expulsion from the college.
- Students having no classes are expected to be present in the library and make the best use of free time.
- Attendance at the college, institutional functions, association meetings, clinical works, practical work, rural visits, educational tours, viva voce etc are compulsory.
- Without permission of the principal, students shall not organize any activities and associate themselves with any group, communal or political not connected with the institution.
- No meeting shall be convened or no person shall be invited to address the students or no publication shall be issued or no canvassing for students for any particular opinion or section will be allowed without permission of the principal.
- The principal has the power to rusticate from the college if he/she is guilty of serious misconduct or the presence of such students in the college is injurious to order and discipline.
- Every student must possess identity card issued by the college which should be produces whenever asked for.
- Students are expected to be simple and modest in their dress and refrain from the use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs.
- Smoking and spitting is compulsorily banned in college campus.
- Student should not give college address or phone numbers for any personal correspondence. The college will not be held responsible for any loss of any letter whatever may be the nature of correspondence.
- College expects good harmony between old and new students.
- Parents are expected to meet the principal especially when unsatisfactory attendance or progress of their son/daughter is brought to their notice.
- The students who reside outside the authorized college hostels should notify their address to the principal immediately after joining the college.
- For any reason no joint application will be entertained.
